Shawn Mills from is a full-time off grid systems designer and educator focused on solar PV, rainwater collection, Gray and Blackwater management systems, and other appropriate technologies.
He has lived off grid for most of the last 12 years with his wife, two daughters, and a variety if animals.
With years of hands-on experience and a strong commitment to sustainable living, he has developed a comprehensive understanding of how appropriate technologies can significantly enhance homestead resilience and self-sufficiency.
His approach to sustainable living is pragmatic and rooted in real-world applications, making complex concepts accessible and actionable for individuals and communities alike.
For the past six years, he has been a regular contributor to The Survival Podcast (TSP) in the areas of Solar photovoltaics and off grid lifestyle design in addition to hosting his own podcast on these topics (the hack my homestead podcast).
Shawn has been a speaker at events such as the Back to the Land Festival, Self Reliance Festival, and East Tennessee Homesteaders Expo.
Shawn Mills - Hack My Homestead