Everyone that has ever delved into Natural Health has a “Why”. My why is because I couldn’t find a Doctor that actually cared enough to find the root cause of my issues.
So, in 2008 I decided to take courses. All the rage at the time was Essential oils. I took 2 courses in Aromatherapy. The 1st one just wasn’t enough information and the 2nd filled me with an urge to learn more about the plants themselves.
Now I am a certified Aromatherapist, and a certified Herbalist.

I eventually found my way into distilling. While there are a couple of courses one can take to learn how to distill, they are extremely expensive and in the Pacific Northwest. With no desire to spend that kind of money, or leave my home, I purchased a small still and started learning. I’ve evolved into owning 6 copper Alembic stills where I mainly focus on Hydrosols.
Hydrosols are the water soluble components of the plants. Most will tell you that Hydrosols are the waste water or by product of essential oil distillation.
However, when your intention Is the Hydrosol, the process is different and the end product is much more fragrant and beneficial than any by product.
I grow the Majority of the herbs & trees that I distill. Those that I can’t grow, like Frankincense or cinnamon, I purchase from organic fair trade sources. I also turn these herbs, flowers & trees into Tinctures, Salves & Teas. As well as a plethora of cosmetics.